
Hotel Continental Brno

Address: Kounicova 680/6, 602 00 Brno-střed-Veveří, Google maps

Wireless Internet connection (Wi-Fi) is available in all public areas of the hotel, including conference areas

Hotel Continental web pages

Conference facilities of Hotel Continental

Accommodation Reservation & Prices

Please book your room directly by email at or by phone at  +420 541 519 609 with the code “MSB2024”.

Special offer for the conference participants:
The rate of 1980 CZK/night for a single room or 2350 CZK/night for a double room (including VAT and breakfast, without city tax) is available for conference participants.
Please note that the number of rooms is limited and the offer is only valid until May 3, 2024.

The registration fee includes admission to all lecture and poster sessions, the conference program, coffee breaks and lunches (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), and the banquet, but does not include accommodation.

Floor Map

Lunches will be served at the restaurant on the ground floor. Please bring your lunch ticket.